Blog Archives

Yclas Self-Hosted 3.0

Hello! Please READ:  Open Classifieds is now Yclas! We have a new release Yclas Self-Hosted 3.0 ! This is the last blog post on Open Classifieds Blog. New releases will be notified here. What’s new in 3.0.0. Rebranding to Yclas EU

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Open Classifieds Blog

Hello OC friends We have been posting in our blog since June 2009, when our founder Chema posted about one of the early releases of Open Classifieds. In the last 7 years we brought you great content about classifieds, stats,

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2015 Year Review

Hello OC friends We are already in 2016 and a year just ended. At Open Classifieds we want to thank you for being as loyal as always and we would like to share with you some 2015 stats that may

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Christmas and Freebie!

Hello OC Friends The year is ending but before this happen we would like to celebrate christmas holidays with you! 2015 has been amazing for Open Classifieds with lot of improvements and news we developed for you. Here is a list of new

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Yummo the new classifieds theme

Hello OC-Friends, Our team has been working very hard over the past few months, improving features at Open Classifieds. As you know, we are extremely passionate about design. We work with current trends and love creating the faces that represent our brand. Today,

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New Theme for Job Boards

Hello OC-Friends, We are always trying to please and surprise our users. That’s why we work so hard on developing new themes for you. Our goal is to develop several new (premium) themes, that come packed with a fresh new look

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