
Open Classifieds started 4 years a go as a personal project for classifiedsbarcelona.com, I remember releasing the code and getting hundreds of downloads! Truth to be told I never expected such success. We’ve been releasing updates with new features kind of often been the biggest change done this summer with 1.8.x. But since long a go we know that the way OC was developed made it difficult to extend it as much as we wanted and was making the life difficult not only to us but to other people. Since last summer, that I quited my regular job established a company and I started to plan what I wanted for OC, It’s really difficult to fulfill the wishes of everybody so we did what we thought was most useful for us and hopefully for you. Since December I hired 2 employees and with a team of 3 working full time to keep current version + support + 2.0. development. It’s been really tough…My team and I are really proud of the work we did and still there’s plenty of bugs and room for improvement.

Well today it’s my Birthday (29yo) and I thought best way I could celebrate is to release the work of the last 6 months…guys seriously we’ve been working really hard on this, so I hope you like it. And give us as much feedback as possible!

Also remember we still an Open Source project and it’s for free, we only earn from our products (we don’t earn at all xD) so please even if it’s just as a donation purchase ;).

[section_title]What’s new[/section_title]

  • CMS to create pages, emails
  • Pay to feature ad, or to bump to first page
  • Easier admin, with drag and drop locations & categories
  • Widgets drag and drop and multiple sidebars support
  • Public users profile
  • New orders to see payment statements
  • Simpler configuration system
  • Users roles and ACL
  • Allow users to login from a Email Link
  • New Ad field, website.
  • Contact an Ad can include an attachment like a CV for example.

[section_title]New Technology[/section_title]

  • Kohana PHP framework
  • Model View Controller structure
  • New MySQL model based on MyISAM
  • Extendable Themes
  • Make widgets in 5 minutes
  • Google maps v3
  • Twitter Bootstrap based

[section_title]How to Install[/section_title]

  • Download Beta 1
  • Unpack
  • Run the installation in http://yourdomain.com/install/
  • Follow the steps
  • Login in admin, create some categories and locations
  • Working!

[section_title]Upgrade 1.7.x/1.8.x to 2.0[/section_title]

  • Create a backup of your files and DB
  • Download Beta 1
  • Delete all files except folder /images/
  • Uncompress and upload files
  • Run the installation at http://yourdomain.com/
  • Follow the steps
  • Choose a different Database or use a different table prefix, we recommend using oc2_
  • Got to the admin for migration of data http://yourdomain.com/oc-panel/tools/migration
  • Put the details of your old DB connection
  • Please wait can take a while…
  • Enjoy ;)

[section_title]To do before stable release[/section_title]

  • Translations. Main languages, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian…
  • Fix bugs, please report them here or in the comments of this post.
  • Finish all the premium themes + theme selector
  • Improve texts and tooltips text in admin
  • More widgets!
  • We need your help! please check here

[section_title]Professional customers[/section_title]

Paid customers with premium themes, please wait we will migrate all the themes, currently working on Kamaleon and Responsive themes.

If you buy the PRO version you get free upgrade to 2.0. that would cost $99 so hurry and buy now! ;)

We ask for your name and email to keep you posted of further developments. I hope you understand.

UPDATE 2013/5/9 We updated the demo so now is using the release candidate 1!


14 Comments » for Open Classifieds 2.0. Beta 1
  1. Joshua says:

    Very exciting. Happy belated birthday brother! I pray this year is the best success so far and pray much much more to come.

  2. Chema says:

    Thank you joshua!!!

  3. mnh says:

    GREAT WORK Chema :-) Will be waiting for the final Ver.

  4. Chema says:


  5. neven says:

    Wow, great new feature set!
    Looking forward to future releases.

    Html5 template does not show placeholders in IE (new and old versions).
    Can be fixed using https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder

    I also noticed dropdown menu does not display sub-sub categories (but you can create them via admin).

    Small template issue on my screen where header is covering breadcrumbs.
    In admin, clicking on “ads” gives error page. Same when posting ad with image.
    Can not see images on ad details page.

    Would like to see more text on frontpage ads with no image, or something similar to fill in the blank space.

    Great job, keep up the good work.

  6. Chema says:

    Hello Nevem

    Thanks for the testing! We are aware of all this issues and we are working to fix them.

    We will keep posted of any further development. ;)

  7. Crystian says:

    buen dia, estuve viendo y testeando tu magnifico trabajo y con la realizacion de esta nueva version veo algunas caracteristicas que no vi en anteriores, esta ultima version no la instale, la probe en tu demo como admin y me registre una cuenta para ver las caracteristicas, pero no pude ver la opcion de hacer un comentario directamente en la publicacion del anuncio, pero si esta activo en el panel de admisnitrador, a modo de sugerencia para una version posterior talvez pueda tener la opcion de pago tipo paypal pero para una publicacion permanente, que el usuario que publica el anuncio tenga esa opcion de annnuncio permanente de pago o un anuncio temporal de dias, o mejor aun darle una escala de tiempo de publicado desde gratis a anuncios pagados.

    cuando publique un anuncio de prueba me mostro un error en 2 ocaciones y le daba otra vez y al final cuando publico ya tenia anuncios iguales.

    tambien comentarte que en el demo de la version anterior vi un theme que no tiene la opcion de publicar anuncio.
    por otro lado veo que no tiene la opcion de mail list, para enviar boletines o actualizxaciones a todos los anunciantes por parte del admin, talvez lo integres en futuras versiones o como mod o plugin, que por cierto eso podrian ser de pago.

    sin mas que decirte, haces un trabnajo estupnedo con este proyecto, y a mi parecer una buena opcion para no usar osclass.


  8. Chema says:

    Hola Crystian,

    Lo del comentario te refieres a disqus? está implementado sólo hay que poner el usuario en settings.

    Te refieres pagar para publicar? eso lo tenemos tambien…pay to post.

    Si los errores son por 2 motivos bugs y que el hosting gratuito va fatal la verdad.

    Que theme dices que no tiene la opcion de publicar anuncio? sólo tenemos un theme de momento…

    Las mail list no es posible hacerlo, sólo con un proveedor de terceros. Los hosting normales no permiten hacer ese tipo de envios.


  9. Crystian says:

    Hola, no me entendiste bien sobre eso de anuncios pagados y gratis, me referia algo como esto:


    es un demo de un theme para wordpress, veras es simple, donde los anuncios pagados salen en la portada principal.

    sobre el theme que le falta el link de publicar me referia a la version 1.8.5

    por cierto vi que cerraron el foro de este script, tengo una duda sobre un theme wpClassifieds de la version 1.8.x, se que no es el sitio para esto pero igual preguntare, ensanche el theme, en su hoja estilo y bueno solo muestra 3 columnas de clasificados, le mire a la funcion de como mostrar 4 columnas, pero ni idea como hacer para qeu me muestre las 4 columnas como :



  10. deepak says:

    Test RC 2.0. has very good user interface please release final i have a classified site with other script now i am going to move on open-classified because of new feature “featured ads” and it is very fast than i am currently using

  11. Chema says:

    RC tomorrow, in the beta there’s com new stuff but still not latest ;)

    please a bit of patience we need to test everything and is getting really tough! hehe

  12. deepak says:

    are you working / modifying demo? sometimes it gets error

    string(26) “MySQL server has gone away” and sometimes

    Service Temporarily Unavailable

    looking far a forum at “forums.open-classifieds.com”

  13. Chema says:

    no we are not, is just that is hosted in a free hosting solution and works awful truth to be told.

    We do not have a forum anymore was impossible for us to maintain, loads of spam and problems since we could’t answer everyone for free and people seems not to understand that and they got pissed of, even threat to my family phone calls etc…crazy but true.

  14. Chema says:

    crystian, estás usando una version antigua de OC.

    Si lo de featured ads lo tenemos ;)

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