Hello OC friends,

Today we would like to show you several classifieds websites from customers of us. These websites are all made with the Open Classifieds script and are perfect examples of how a classifieds website can look like. It can give some great inspiration for your own classifieds website, looking at how others are doing.  The websites we will have a look at focus on different locations and offer a variety of products and services.

1. Expatbuyandsell.com

Expat Buy and Sell is a classifieds website that focuses on expats in the Netherlands. However there are also websites available under the same name, that focus on different countries, these ones don’t have advertisements published yet. We will therefore focus on the Netherlands.

The website is using a fresh looking design, using pictures for all the created categories. These categories are all displayed on the main part of the website. For each category, several sub-categories are available to narrow down the categorization. The sidebar, which is positioned on the lift side of the screen is used for showing the most recent published advertisements. Very handy for users to see if there is something new and interesting for them. Next to that there are several widgets installed. For example one to subscribe for the newsletter. Also is it possible to translate the website using Bing translation. A great option if you also want to reach people who don’t speak the language that you offer your website in.


A classifieds website focused on expats in the Netherlands

The advertisement page gives a lot op space for showing information about the ad. Besides that features to print the ad, add the ad to your favorites, share it with friends and give comments are available. There is a lot of user interaction possible and that is a great benefit these days, as people like it to have easy options to share something with friends.

2. Kurdeal.com

Kurdeal is a classifieds website that is offering classifieds ads in Kurdistan. It has a very nice design, with good matched colors and great designed logos to mark the different categories. Like with Expat Buy and Sell, the main part of the website shows the categories. There are six main categories, which are split into various subcategories. On the left sidebar we find the search bar. The search has been designed very nicely, offering the user various options to narrow down what they are looking for. We can see that the custom fields, integrated in the premium Open Classifieds themes, are used too. If we for example search for used cars, we get different search options then when we are searching for housing. That is a great way to make it easier for your users to navigate through your site.

Also on the advertisement page we can see that these customized fields are used. Next to that there is the possibility to share the advertisement with friends, using Facebook. Also related ads are displayed on this page. Google maps has been integrated on a separate tab, showing the visitor where the advertisement is located.



Great search options using the customized fields

3. Sollerwebclassifieds.com

Soller Web Classifieds is a classifieds website, part of Soller Web. This classifieds website, made with Open Classifieds, is an example of a classifieds site that focuses on only a small region. Soller is located in Mallorca, Spain and the websites if targeting the Soller Vally, located in the western part of the island.

The website is using the Kamaleon theme. Most prominent when visiting the page are the latest ads, which are displayed on the top side of the main page. Under this part you will find the categories, divided into subcategories. The sidebar on the left side is used to display banners of companies which have relations to the ads posted on the website. This a great opportunity to monetize your classifieds website.  Also here we find a list with the locations where the products/services are located.

On Soller Web Classifieds a lot of property can be found, located in the Soller valley. The majority of the ads has many pictures attached to the advertisements, which makes the advertisements very attractive.


Using banners of advertisers to monetize your website


4. Albalad.biz

Albalad is a classifieds website from the Middle East. The website is both offered in Arabic and English. The user can choose itself what language it wants to use from the sidebar on the right side. For this website the builder used the Ocean theme. It is a free theme offered by Open Classifieds and provides various color schemes. However the design is pretty basic, it is also very clear. This gives the user a very organized view.

The advertisement page gives the user more details about the advertisement and pictures. Next to that there is the possibility to send a message to the advertiser and scan the ad with a provided QR-code.


Let the user choose the language of preference

All in all a very basic site, but which does it job properly!

5. Tackle123.com

Last but not least Tackle 123. This website is a perfect example of a classifieds website made with Open Classifieds, using a customized version of the Ocean theme. This gives the website a unique and fantastic look, that is completely adapted to the type of ads that the website is focusing on. Tackle123 is a classifieds website for local fishing and boating listings. New and used fishing gear is advertised on the website.

As the goal of Tackle123 is to let the visitor search their gear locally, the location listing is displayed very clearly on the sidebar on the right side. From here users can navigate to their state of preference. If users prefer to search by category, that is also possible.

The advertisement page shows pictures of the ads and a description of the offered product. Besides that the user can send a message to the advertiser and share the ad with friends using several social media.


A great example of making a current theme your own

All the advertisements come from the users itself. It is possible to publish your advertisement without having to make an account, although this option is offered if wanted. Also Facebook, Twitter, Google or OpenID can be used to login on the website. A very easy way to register without having to fill out a form first.


Summing up

As we see there are endless possibilities to create your own classifieds website using Open Classifieds. The script that we provide makes it possible to create your own marketplace online, with its own looks and feel. If you want to target the whole world, or just your city, that is all possible with Open Classifieds. Get inspired and start your own classifieds website with Open Classifieds!


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