crowdfunding campaign

You might have noticed the counter at our website showing the days left to the crowdfunding campaign that we started about a month ago. And now we’re giving you the report of what happened with that campaign.

We were aiming to raise enough money to improve the software and take it to the next level by implementing a plugin system and new payment gateways (which are features that many clients asked us to have) and we were counting on the support of our community and users who believe in the software.

Of course, we did our research to make a great crowdfunding campaign and to design rewards that our users would appreciate and get value from. Then we sent a newsletter to 55k+ users, put a countdown timer at our homepage and did marketing efforts with open source groups and other communities online.

The result:

We managed to gather $70 from our target of $7000. $10 were from the founder Chema, 10$ from myself Kinan, 10$ from the founder of (the platform that we used for the campaign) and 40$ from four users whom we would like to thank for their support.

We’re posting this to inform our users and to give a reference to other free open source software solutions out there who are thinking of starting a crowdfunding campaign, perhaps this could be useful to someone and maybe you could point out some things that we did wrong.

I can tell you that Open Classifieds team is 100% depending on their users loyalty and support, which is why we were a bit disappointed with the lack of support to making the software move forward. But as you are used from Open Classifieds team, we didn’t lose hope before and we’re not going to lose it now! We will find a way to make the software move forward and we will overcome anything that stands in our way.

In resume: We didn’t raise the money we needed, but we are going to develop more and nicer features, just a bit more slowly without the money.

Regards from Kinan and Open Classifieds team.


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