

Good guys win eventually! that’s one of our main beliefs here at Open Classifieds, and we want you to make that saying true with us :)

With a passion for open source we managed to come up with a couple of free open source software solutions. Aiming to get those solutions to the hands of the everyday internet user and to enable them to do their own creation.

Chema started working on Open Classifieds as part of his hobby, but then it gathered a community of supporters and users. It remained a hobby for four years until it became a powerful tool which convinced him to develop it even more.

And now, we thought it was time to get Open Classifieds better and better. And, as most of you know, open source is normally a collaborative effort. Which is why backing open source software solutions is the best way to make it prosper. And that lead us to start a crowdfunding campaign.

Open Classifieds team got contacted by many users asking for certain improvements and enhancements. that’s why we’re aiming on integrating a new plugin system which would enrich the software and make an even more powerful tool. A tool that could get any everyday person to start their own business and any developer to add their creative ideas to the software.

If you haven’t tried Open Classifieds I recommend that you try it now, you will find out that the free software offered is of an adequate level of quality and functionality. This is for you to completely trust our approach and our aim to make it easier for any person out there to turn their creative idea into a reality!

If successful, this campaign will take Open Classifieds to the next level with a new plugin system, an import/export tool and introducing new payment gateways. A crowdfunding campaign gets the best out of a collaborative effort into achieving a goal.

Let me explain to you how it works:

Each backer will put his contribution to the idea according to his preference and his desired reward, while the campaign keeps going for 30 days since its launch.

Once the 30 days are over, there are two possible outcomes:

1- We gather enough funds to cover for the main goal or any of the stretch goals.

In this case each backer will receive his reward according to the amount of his contribution, and we would start working on implementing those enhancements right away to be integrated in the following release.

2- None of the goals reached.

Backers wont be charged with any money unless the goals are met and we don’t get any funds to cover for the improvements, making us unable to start with the enhancements right away and none of the backers would receive any of our awards. So, everyone will be sad.

So, make this happen now and be part of the collaborative effort! click here

If you have any question about the backer campaign, feel free to leave a comment here or create a post at the designated section in our forums


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