start your online business

My main question is “why not?!

Being an employee for more than five years I have seen many people succeed and climb up the ladder very quickly with their own businesses. Until recently, I have never thought seriously of starting my own business, every time the idea comes up I always think of the difficulties, financial complications and other obstacles that I would face and then I give up on the idea.

Whenever a person is asking for advice on starting a new business you hear big words like market research, competitors analysis, niche markets and more. Then that person would get lost in thoughts and eventually might drop his idea completely. Taking a closer look when I studied entrepreneurship I read and interacted with a lot of success stories. My main advice after all of this is: Stop thinking and take action!

I can’t stress enough, stop thinking and take action!. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not asking you to make a reckless uneducated decision, I am rather telling you to take the first steps towards starting your business and you will see how your way towards that goal goes smoothly, especially now that it is really easy to start your business online with the many helpful tools and ready scripts that would get you multiple steps ahead towards your final product, and the open source community is giving us (normal people) those ready tools to start functioning as an online business.

Here are just some of the reasons why you should start your online business now:

Add one more source of revenue

Many books about success mention this point, applying the saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” when you’re relying on multiple sources of revenue you are not only increasing your revenue but you’re also reducing risk. Get your family some gifts or join some club because now you can afford to easily!

Be your own employer

When you start an online business you are your own boss, this gives you job security, freedom of choice and a chance to enjoy a hobby or two! You wont have to deal with not being heard, or having creative ideas that get blocked by top management because now you are the top management.

Show the world your own creation

You get a chance to work on something you’re passionate about, and when there is passion there is success! in this case when you’re working you’re actually enjoying your time and showing the world what you can come up with. And when you succeed with an idea other ideas will come along and in no time you will be a serial entrepreneur with lots of things to share.

Why online? wider network!

When you’re working offline you are limited to the network of people around you physically, no matter how wide that network is I am 100% sure that it will be even wider when you’re going online.

I hope that my words would have a positive effect on what you’re planning to do, and I would love to hear your opinion about this, leave a comment in the section below and share your thoughts with us!

Want to take the first step?
Regards from Kinan and Open Classifieds team


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