
Following many comments, feedback, ideas received from our users and some of our own ideas we’ve been working quite hard to release a new version of our mobile theme to make it work better at any device with fixed styling for a better look and feel and now it’s faster than ever!

So what’s new?

  • Transition to new version of jquerymobile 1.4
  • Allow to upload images via mobile theme (theme option)
  • Fixed slider
  • Removed some green styles (eg. sidebar menu)
  • Image in listing is now fitting the space
  • Some styles have been modified (eg. modals)
  • Advanced search is refactored, after search first is a list
  • and on bottom advanced search
  • Some inputs in publish new are fixed and improved
  • Faq, and blog

Check it out yourself by visiting our Demo!!

If you already purchased our mobile theme, you will get an email soon alerting you of the availability of the new theme download.

If you didn’t buy our awesome mobile theme yet  get 50% on it only today, and also you will get a nice present via email after buying ;)

How to upgrade your theme:

  1. Disable your mobile theme from your panel
  2. Enter your ftp and delete the folder /themes/mobile
  3. Upload your theme /mobile/
  4. Activate theme.

We hope you enjoy using our new mobile theme and we are always looking forward to getting your feedback on any of our products.

Regards from Open Classifieds team.



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