
Great news over here! we have just released 2.0.7 with new amazing features for you! OC 2.0.6 was downloaded more than 3.000 times! that is super nice :P

New stuff for 2.0.7:

  • Custom fields for advertisements. Only will work on premium themes.
  • Accept terms before enter. You can create a page that will be shown in the alert.
  • Auto software updates, now would be super easy to update OC to latest version, hit a button and ready!
  • New languages Vietnamese and Shona,Zimbabwe
  • New faster validation plugin, we had many speed issues with previous jQuery validation script.
  • Profile picture for users.

Remember you can participate in what you want to be developed next here.

You can see  all the issues  in detail at github.

How to Install

  • Download 2.0.7
  • Unpack and upload at your public folder
  • Run the installation in http://yourdomain.com/
  • Follow the steps
  • Working!

How to Upgrade

  1. Download 2.0.7
  2. Upload only this:
    1. /oc/classes/file.php
    2. /oc/classes/controller/panel/update.php
  3. Launch in your browser  http://yourdomain.com/oc-panel/update/index?reload=1
  4. Launch in your browser http://yourdomain.com/oc-panel/update/latest
  5. Wait few seconds we are updating your site, this may take a while depending on you internet connection and your site size
  6. Site upgraded ;)

If you bought any theme, please contact us to the professional support email so we can send you latest theme version 1.8. Thanks!

Remember: for any question head to the forum or by buying any theme or hosting you get professional support.


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