In order to meet your expectations, we have decided to lower the prices of some of our products. From now on, two of our themes: Ocean Premium and RTL are available just for 49.99 USD (20$ less than before)!

Additionally, this week we also have an amazing limited time offer for Android App – it’s just 99.99$ (instead of 149.99 USD). But remember – this opportunity lasts only until 21st of June!

Please remember that as an Open Source project we let you use our software for free – by buying anything from the market you help us to survive!


Read more about the products…

Ocean Premium is a more advanced version of our default theme. While looks is the same, premium version has no publicity/advertisements. It is also optimized for mobiles – responsive design makes it easier to browse in all kinds of devices. Buy now!


RTL is a theme designed for Right to Left writing. It is suitable e.g. for Arabic script (Arabic, Persian, Urdu etc.) or Hebrew alphabet. It also has no publicity/advertisements and works great with the mobiles. Buy now!



Android App – designed to run your classifieds site on the smartphones and other mobile devices using Android system. Navigated with a touch. In the price we include complimentary Mobile Theme. We will also upload your app to Google Play store for you for free. Buy now!



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