Post originally published on 11/12/2012.

The information found here may be out of date.


Just a little after than 1 month after 1.8.3, we are releasing 1.8.4.

Not many changes in this version but a collaborator Emandeweb fixed many small issues and improved some stuff.

We have some news.

The community support it’s been disabled, this is a dramatic and really not popular step but needed to be done. No one except me was taking care about it, so lots of spam and not much help was provided in the forum to be honest. It is sad that after more than 3 years after I need to do this, but I see no other option. We provide with a free/gpl version but we can’t give proper support to everyone for free. So we recommend for everyone our professional services.

The lite version it’s been disabled also, due to unrealistic price and lack of support.

From 1.8.4 version and any newer version would have only 1 theme or just few (to see in the future) and all of the rest would be paid option, all included in the Professional version.

Good news
Our developments efforts are going to be 100% to the 2.0. version and many other improvements.

We have a new developer in our office to work only in this version and we are sure it’s going to work amazingly!

Although we were considering to discontinue the development of our free solution, that is not going to happen at least while we make enough revenue to keep the machinery working. So enjoy for free ;)

[section_title]How to Install[/section_title]

  • Download
  • Unpack
  • Run the installation in
  • Follow the steps
  • Working!

[section_title]Upgrade 1.8.x to 1.8.4[/section_title]

  • Download upgrade
  • Create a backup of your files and DB
  • Download new version
  • Uncompress / replace files
  • Run the installation at
  • Follow the steps
  • Delete /install/
  • Enjoy ;)

[section_title]Upgrade 1.7.x to 1.8.4[/section_title]

  • Create a backup of your files and DB
  • Download new version
  • Uncompress / replace files
  • Run the installation at
  • Follow the steps
  • Run at your browser :
  • (if your installation was older than 1.7.5)
  • (to speed up the DB)
  • Delete /install/
  • Enjoy ;)

Thanks for reading, we will keep you posted for any further development.


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