Post originally published on 13/09/2012.

The information found here may be out of date.

One of the most viable and feasible forms of advertisement, adapted by almost every growing organization is popularly known as Classified Ads. To reach the customers, such ads are displayed via newspapers, online media and other forms of networking sources which are accessible by the general public. To understand better, one can refer them as advertising placements which take the assistance of periodicals, online portals and all other forms of media that can reach the general mass easily. For job lookers, classified ads are the primary and essential step to complete their hunt for a reliable employment. Classified ads generate a pre-conceived notion that the ads published are from reliable source and are genuinely authentic. In numerous countries around the world, classified ads serve the basic purpose of generating employment to suitable candidates. Few renowned media organizations offer free classified to a number of developing business entrepreneurs. This act of benevolence can be termed as publicity and promotion to secure market position among its peers. Free classified ads help multiple business organizations to promote and advertise their products both online and offline.

History of Classified ads

In the past, classified ads had a primitive but only option to advertise. Media companies used to advertise the ads on dry leaves and stones, in order to attract the attention of the people. Such form of advertisement depicted the living standard and style of people of that era. Near the end of 17th century, books were published and printed which contained thousands of ads for different properties available in the particular region. The first classified ad was published in 1704 in the renowned Boston News Letter. It is from here, that people conceived the idea of publicity and advertisement and its requirement. With the passage of time, mode of classified ads have become more informative and extremely cost-effective with the introduction of online portals, web media, social online networking sites, newspapers etc. Such innovations bear testimony to the fact that-“Necessity is the Mother of Invention”. Better and effective approach to generate classified ads encourages media houses to come up with newest ideas which are highly poignant.
Some of the great classifieds sites are listed below:


Return on Investment

Classified ads act as a source of revenue for different organizations trying to hit the customers via online media. By advertising their valuable products in newspapers and online web portals, such companies not only save the time of their customers, but also reach a large section of people who can turn into prospective clients. The free classified ads posting websites offered by the media companies helps the business organizations to advertise and sell their products without paying any extra charge. If any company has service selling website, then a classified advertisement will encourage a number of inquisitive customers to visit the site and boost traffic, thereby generating revenue.
If you are a fresh graduate and looking for the right job, but confused where to apply, classified ads can be the life saver for you. By going through the advertised companies, you can apply in them to build a lucrative career with mere effort.

Classified ads serve the basic purpose of advertisement. It is a two-way lucrative option, both for companies and individuals. If you want to advertise your products or want to apply in the right company, classified ads are the best option for you.

Start your own classified site

With Open Classifieds you can have your own classified site for free, or become more professional with our services, do not hesitate and start your business today. All you need is a web Hosting and get ready in 5 minutes!.



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