Post originally published on 22/05/2011.

The information found here may be out of date.

We have just released a new version of Open Classifieds! A bunch of bugs have been fixed in this new release and also the current product package has been changed.

What’s new in version 1.7.2:

  • Updated phpSEO to v3
  • Need and offer now is optional
  • Fixed bug with RN char in IE, mynltobr
  • Better params cleaner
  • fixed bug with pagination with location seted
  • Fixed bug with siblings location filter
  • Paypal IPN typo
  • Bug,link removed when parent cat selected
  • Improved security for CSRF in all forms
  • Date format error on standarizedate
  • Fixed some links errors
  • Installation autostart.

How to install 1.7.2

  • Download
  • Unpack
  • Run the installation in
  • Follow the steps
  • Working!

How to upgrade form to 1.7.2

  • Create a backup of your files
  • Download new version
  • Uncompress
  • Run the installation in
  • Follow the steps
  • Ready!

What’s new regarding Professional Support
From now on there will be only 1 edition for Professional Support including the following:

  • Professional support (via PRO forum)
  • Software installation
  • Comercial license
  • No license link
  • No advertisement in the software
  • No donation button
  • Latest version from repository
  • All themes and languages included
    • And all of this for the fair amount of 50 EUR!
      Enjoy! :)

    4 Comments » for New release: Open Classifieds 1.7.2
    1. pancho says:

      themes download doesn´t work. are old themes compatible with new 172 version?

    2. Harry says:

      For me the old template was not working.
      One question, is there any way to cropt the thumbnails?

    3. gunter says:

      login in admin panel does not work. What should i do?

    4. Chema says:

      please check the forum, thanks

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