Post originally published on 06/02/2011.

The information found here may be out of date.

The latest version of Open Classifieds has been optimized and the bugs are now fixed in this new version

What’s new:

  • Fixed bug to select the language during the installation
  • Added the updated translation set for 1.7.1
  • Fixed bug with Line break. Replaced with <br />

How to install

  • Download
  • Unpack
  • Run the installation in
  • Follow the steps
  • Go to admin -> settings -> basic configuration
  • Choose the language for your site
  • Working!

How to upgrade form 1.7.1 to

  • Create a backup of your files
  • Download new version (put a link here)
  • Uncompress
  • Replace /includes/common.php with the new file
  • Enter in your admin ->settings->initial settings->allowed tags
  • Add at the end: <br><br />
  • Ready!

We would like to ask for some help with the translations. New words have been added so please, if you have time, take a look at our languages and help us with your language skills! This GlotPress page is very easy to use; you only need to log in (user: ‘translator’ and password: ‘trans1234’) and then you make make the adjustments to the words.

Also, don’t forget to consider the Professional Editions of Open Classifieds! With these editions we offer Professional Support via the PRO forum from our developers, and much more!



2 Comments » for New release: Open Classifieds
  1. jules says:

    Hi, it is possible to change service, my french language all corrected to your help ?

  2. Ernesto says:

    is this a newer version of WP Classifieds?

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