Post originally published on 22/11/2010.

The information found here may be out of date.

From now on Open Classifieds offers three new Professional Editions!

Professional Edition – 3 Months (30 EUR)


  • 3 months PRO support (via PRO forum)
  • Comercial license
  • No license link
  • No advertisement in the software
  • No donation button
  • Latest version from repository
  • All themes and languages included

Professional Edition – 6 Months (50 EUR)

Includes the same as the PRO Version – 3 Months, plus:

  • 6 months PRO support (via PRO forum)
  • Software installation

Professional Edition – Lifetime (90 EUR)

Includes the same as the PRO Version – 6 Months but then, as the word shows, support for a lifetime!


6 Comments » for New Professional Editions
  1. Well worth every euro, the support team here work hard to keep things running sweetly,


  2. support says:

    Thanks Mark! :)

  3. emrah tarı says:

    Hİ İm new Turkish language prepared.We would like to send

  4. emrah tarı says:

    How do I submit?

  5. Tassu says:

    Professional Edition – 3 Months (30 EUR)..i would like to go for get the support at stage1. once the things are up and running i would like to get the support as required..
    Need Clarity on this.

    # 3 months PRO support (via PRO forum)
    is there any community forum for this software
    # Comercial license
    After 3Months what license i will have
    # No license link
    After 3 Months do i need enable the links
    # No advertisement in the software
    After 3Minths do i need to enable your Adds
    # No donation button
    After 3Months do i need to enable the Donation button
    # Latest version from repository
    After 3Months do i get access to latest repository
    # All themes and languages included
    After 3Months all the themes and languages i should disable or not to use
    — how many domains this license Apply

    Please clarify the above

  6. Support says:


    Yes, there is a community forum where everyone can register for free:

    There is also the Professional Forum. Everyone who has purchased the Professional Version can post their problems here and the developers will provide professional help.
    You will not have to enable the license link, donations button, etc, The 3 months only means that you will have 3 months access to the professional forum. But afterwards you don’t have to enable anything.

    I hope this answers your doubts.

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