Post originally published on 06/06/2010.

The information found here may be out of date.


After 2 month of hard work done by Chema, Arnaldo and Oliver (soon I will introduce the new team) we are glad to release today the first release candidate for Open Classifieds 1.7.

There’s many new things that I’m sure you will love:

  • Changed default theme to wpClassifieds
  • Modified install database script to add locations support
  • Added support for custom SMTP host configuration
  • Added new admin section to manage locations
  • Added new sidebar function to show location links (locations)
  • Changed way the images are stored, also deleted table images.
  • Added Site Stats in admin
  • Added expire headers for better cache
  • Now prices allows float numbers
  • No hacker defense in admin
  • Account management, create new users account to post!
  • Email templates
  • Improved installer step by step.
  • New look for Admin and installer.
  • Advertisement setting for AdSense in admin.
  • Among others

Not for production environments!!

Test it please, and bring us feedback in the specific forum for this release.


How to install

  • Download
  • Unpack
  • Run the installation in
  • Follow the steps
  • Test!

How to upgrade

  • Make backups for everything
  • Do same as install
  • Then run
  • Hope everything goes well ;)

6 Comments » for Open Classifieds 1.7. Release Candidate 1
  1. caddyboy0103 says:

    i just downloaded 1.6.4 and was having trouble in the admin section with the following errors.

    hopping this rc is better. your app is awsome, been following it for month’s now. keep up the good work. if i new coding i would love to help you guys out. fast learner too.

  2. caddyboy0103 says:

    here is the picture

  3. Chema says:

    use the forum for this matters please, also this si because sessions are not enabled in you server, would happen the same in 1.7. or any other soft actually

  4. Robc says:


    Found a couple bugs (Message Echo), what is correct way to notify you of this, forum post, contact form, svn, blog, email ?

  5. Chema says:

    on the forum please, regards

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