Post originally published on 17/04/2010.

The information found here may be out of date.

We are currently working on defining what is going to be the new version of OC 1.7.

This time I’m gonna have some help from Arnaldo, but please any other help it’s really welcome.

We are going to set as baseline the 1.6.4 version and this are some of the changes we are planning to do.

Please we need your feedback about this!!

Source code refactoring, we are going to improve the code and make it even better! Also we have a SVN created.


Here there’s few things,first of all we are going to try to make it work without DB. I think it’s not needed and affects the DB performance.

Image’s path, now works like this:, we want it to work like In this way we improve the server performance since you will not have thousands of folders inside one.

Of course to move your images and delete the images table would be absolutely automatic with an upgrade script.

Email, I want to make easier for the user to configure his email preferences, smtp etc…

Captcha, we are thinking to change the captcha. or you like the current one? I do.

New default theme, we need to change the current one, it’s too simple and no one uses it. It maybe wpClassifieds theme or a the new one they are coding.

Sidebar, improve the sidebar in order to make easier to the user to change it.

Adsense, we will put Adsense or any other kind of external advertisement once again. I think would be just empty fields where you can paste any HTML you want.

Localization!! yes! finally this version is going to have a real system for localization. We still discussing which is the best way, we are thinking to use something like the categories but for places. This will allow you to have State-> Cities or similar approach. Also will use friendly url’s ;) There would be as well a migration script, don’t worry!

Installer, there’s too many people having troubles with the install…we need to improve this! I don’t know how yet but we will figure out I promise.

Category Cloud, I’m thinking to remove this feature…does anyone like it?

Something else? please don’t be shy we develop for all of you!


24 Comments » for First steps to version 1.7.
  1. Fran says:

    Hola antes de nada darte mi ENHORABUENA con letras mayusculas, pedazo de cms has creado, y cuando he visto que era producto de la tierra el doble de satisfaccion jeje.

    Y ahora prosigo con lo que queria preguntar, he estado intentando instalar el programa, lo he subido al servidor, todo bien, pero cuando me he dispuesto a instalarlo me sale “Folders are writeable:
    Site root “/” (script will create: sitemap.xml,robots.txt, .htaccess) Unwritable (check permissions, chmod 755 should fix this)” se que alguien hizo la pregunta por algun lado ya.

    Como soluciono el entuerto? Se autogeneran los archivos, pero… como? Si pudieras ser tan amable de responderme a mi email o por aqui…

    Un saludo y mas sincera enhorabuena ;)

  2. Chema says:

    Hola, gracias!

    pero por favor para cualquier consulta, usemos el foro que además está en español ;)

  3. Julio says:

    Hay alguna posibilidad de incorporar el campo “website” cuando alguien pone un anuncio, y que quede en forma de vinculo abriendo en una nueva ventana. Felicitaciones y gracias por este gran trabajo.

  4. Chema says:

    lo pensaremos, pero muy poca gente ha pedido esa feature.

  5. Sandip Patel says:

    Seems all the basic and essential requirements you have covered.

  6. Bonjour,

    je vous remercie pour votre travail. C’est vraiment super.
    J’ai quelques idées à soumettre pour la prochaine version.

    * une post modération: le webmaster décide ou pas d’accepter une annonce
    * Une traduction compléte du BO via le dossier language
    * UNe traduction de l’installation
    * La possibilité d’ajouter des annonces via le BO
    * Importation de fichier csv contenant des annonces
    * L’ajout d’annonces via “Facebook connect” ou “OpenID”
    * Une page recherche à personnaliser

    Thanks :D

  7. Chema says:

    I’m sorry…I don’t understand french at all :S

  8. Sorry… ;)

    thank you for your work. It is really great.
    I have some ideas to submit for the next version.
    * A post moderation: webmaster decides whether or not to accept a
    * A complete translation of BO via the language file
    * A translation of the installation
    * The ability to add advertisements through the BO
    * Importing csv ads
    * The addition of ads via “Facebook connect” or “OpenID”
    * A customizable search page

    Thanks: D

  9. Chema says:

    Thanks! we will consider your proposal for next releases, since 1.7. development it’s already started.

  10. Lakuma says:

    I would like to suggest that you use the new Google Analytics Asynchronous tracking code. The new code allows the page to load even if Google Analytics doesn’t load. I’ve noticed that a lot of times pages won’t finish loading until GA and/or Google Translate API loads.

  11. Lakuma says:

    I would also like to suggest that when you remove/delete an AD that it removes the images of the AD from the images folder.

  12. Lakuma says:

    Here ‘s is the link to the GA Asynchronous tracking code:

  13. Gogo says:

    The possibility of adding paids ads.

  14. Oliver says:

    Me parece buena idea cambiar la estructura de las imágenes, lo hace más organizado. Aunque tal vez se podría optar por no utilizar el directorio itemID y quedar de esta manera:
    así ahorraríamos varios directorios y seguiría organizado.

    Lo mejor de todo, “Localization”, una característica que se hecha de menos.

    Si puedo ser útil en algo y así ayudar al desarrollo de ésta versión, mándame un e-mail, prometo no tardar otras tres semanas en responder :)

    Saludos y un saludo también a Arnaldo.

  15. Chema says:

    Si lo de imagenes mejorará bastante, pero me parece mejor con el ID del item…simplemente para ser aún mas ordenado, se que será muy largo pero tambien será mas facil encontrar las imagenes que pertenecen a cad anuncio ;)


  16. yako200 says:

    hola todos los cambios me parecen bien la nube puedes dejarla a mi de momento me gusta no se si me cansara al final.

    otra cosa a tener en cuenta seria poder poner gota de agua en la imagenes que se suban a los anuncios seria una buena idea pienso yo.

    tambien estaria bien poder poner como en el caso de twiter en la administracion para la publicacion de anuncios auto, que estubiera tambien facebook

  17. Arifandi says:

    Hello! I’m Indonesian. Sorry bout my english. I’m very liked for “Open Classifieds version 1.6.4” and still trying to translate to my language until this time. It’s for my experience. And i’m waiting for version 1.7 Thanks a lot!

  18. Pieter says:

    Hi – Thanks for the great software with regards to the “Category Cloud” i think this can be removed, this will leave more space for ie banner adverts

  19. alejandro says:

    de donde puedo bajar la vercion1.7 ??

  20. Chema says:

    No se puede bajar aún, solo del svn que puedes encontrar aquí

  21. Seran says:

    I like the current captcha, its very friendly.

    I like the cloud category.

    I would like a system to display banners in the page.

    I would love a way the give priority to some classifieds, lets say “Type A or Type $”.


  22. Arno says:

    Possibly new features:
    login/password for users who post a lot of ads;
    bidding on ads (price is 100, i bid 20 an other user 30);
    tagging ads as interested by a user.


  23. Orlando says:

    Quería preguntar si hay alguna forma para que no pueda cualquiera publicar sin haber una previa aprobación del administrador…

    Desde ya muchas gracias!


  24. chema says:

    Orlando usa el foro por favor….

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