Captura de pantalla 2015-04-28 a la(s) 11.50.36

Great news!! Open Classifieds 2.4.0. it’s now live :D

Wow! now we’ve been developing 2.4.0 for more than 3 months!! it’s been a lot of work but we are proud of what we have done so far. We want to say thank you to all our users who are trusting Open Classifieds and special attention those who bought a theme or custom theme, license from our market. They make this happen!

If you missed it, we asked for your feedback to build the most powerful classifieds site of the market. OC 2.3.1 was an incredible success. More than 8.000 downloads and active sites :D. And we hope you love our new release as much as we did!

As you know OpenClassifieds LTD is growing with a hard work getting better and better every time. Your investment is safe with us, continually developing and adding new great features. You can still send to us some ideas and we will review it for further releases.

What’s new with 2.4.0

Chema, Oliver, Xavi, Thom and Constantinos, closing in total 49 issues/features/bugs and documentation. They worked hard to this release and on its improvements.

Here you will find a resume of the most important changes and new features:

  • Custom fields for users, so now you can ask extra info when a user registers and to display it on his profile.
  • New oc-panel, more mobile and friendly, check our demo here.
  • Import of Ads and improved import of categories/locations.
  • Featured ad plans. More ways to monetize your site!
  • Search by distance and location of your ads. and improved google maps.
  • New decentralized documentation available at
  • Notification system, for users (also changing their favicon!)
  • Renewal of ads
  • New sharing plugin, including whatssapp, logbee.
  • Cookies consent, for EU laws for example.
  • Improved HTTPS integration.
  • No more errors due to corrupted cache (we will ignore the corrupted file and delete it instead).
  • Loads of theme improvements, for mobile etc..

New themes and pricing

We have raised prices of our products, this is due of all improvement we implemented in each item. During 1 week, from now, we will keep same product price, to let doubters to buy at the price they were thinking about. If you have a question or doubt please contact us and we will love to help you!

We are proud to release Splash theme and a revamp of reClassifieds3, Responsive3 or Moderndeluxe3. Now all this themes are more mobile friendly using bootstrap 3.

If you bought, reClassifieds, Responsive or Moderndeluxe in the last 3 months (until 28th Jan 2015) contact us within the next week. We will replace your purchase to have this new product. If you bought it before that date and you want to have the new theme you will have a great discount.

If you do not update your theme should work all good for 2.4.0 but we can not promise the compatibility with 2.5.0.

How to update?

Please read these instructions carefully. If you can’t update your site we offer the update service for $55 if you have a 2.x, Please before get the update service, contact us.

Since 2.4.0 we are requiring PHP 5.5.x as minimal version. We do this since we need to assure you have a decent updated version of PHP installed at your hosting. So before you update be sure you have 5.5. you can ask your hosting for this.

We can not be responsible for fail updates during the update process and we won’t fix those issues. If you are not sure, how to do it, please buy our professional update here.

Website is running on Open Classifieds 2.2.1 or higher:

By following this way you will just need to follow the normal automatic update steps:

  • Make a backup of all your files and DB (recommended)
  • Log in to your OC admin panel
  • go to tools > update and click Update
  • If you have a newer version, click on check for updates and then go to

Manual update for lower versions and advanced users only:

Please follow the instructions to prevent from getting into any errors.

  1. Make a backup of all your files and DB (recommended)
  2. Log in at your OC panel
  3. Activate the default theme if you had a premium theme
  4. Download latest 2.4.0 and extract the files in its folder
  5. Enable maintenance mode
  6. Open your FTP or your website file manager
  7. Delete all files in your website folder except for the following:
    1. robots.txt
    2. /oc/config/auth.php
    3. /oc/config/database.php
    4. .htaccess
    5. /images/
    6. and /themes/ if you had a custom theme.
  8. Now upload to your folder all files we extracted earlier except for the files we mentioned in the previous step and the “/install” folder
  9. Run in your browser (here put your running version)
  10. CONGRATULATIONS !!!! 2.4.0 is Ready!

Please for any problems or questions use our forum for this release or open a support ticket if you have support. You can buy a support package now, and we will update your site to the latest version!

Feel free to give us any feedback or kudos we are happy to hear and help you!

thanks ;)


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