Last week we challenged you to post a business advice with #StartYourBusinessOnline on Twitter to get a chance for a free video course and a 30% discount on one of our classifieds script premium themes. I was happy to see that there was some participation from our community with really nice pieces of advice.

One was from Chema, founder and lead developer in Open Classifieds:

Chema tweet

and the winners of this promotion are: 1-DonnaSully @olubayo and 2- @ZlateCislo for posting valid starting a business online tips using the requested hashtag and following our instructions. And for this both DonnaSully and are the winners of the free coupon for start your classifieds website from scratch video course and they’re both entitled to a 30% discount on any of our premium themes. Congratulations to the winners!

As for everyone else who posted using the #StartYourBusinessOnline during the promotion period, they’re also winners of an 80% discount on our start a classifieds website from scratch Udemy video course.

To claim your prize contact us at [email protected] with a screenshot of your tweet and we will send you your prize right away.

I felt really happy when I saw people giving tips to anyone who wants to start their online businesses, so I’m posting the winners tips here as well.



Although I agree that to start a business you will have to take some risks but with the online solutions available now it’s really not so risky, for example if you take Open Classifieds software, you can get a premium theme with as little as 48 USD covering 1 year of hosting and getting all of the features of Open Classifieds.

So for less than 50$ you can have your business up and running, but keep in mind that you’re also investing time in this, so practically your classifieds website will cost a bit more than 50$ if you count for your time and effort into this, but when you see that there is an opportunity then seize it and don’t hesitate.

We’re still preparing a big surprise and we’re hoping to announce it soon, so stay tuned to our news.


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