Post originally published on 28/11/2012.

The information found here may be out of date.

If you are doubting to buy or not the Lite better hurry!!!

We are going to stop selling this product the 1st of December.

Why? Well..being absolutely honest there’s 2 main reasons:

  1. Anyone that buys a product should get support, and we can’t offer it at that price.
  2. We did not sell as much as we thought, actually we sold less.

We have currently 2 employees working for Open Classifieds, and on Monday 3rd of December for first time we are going to hire a developer to work with us only for Open Classifieds in our offices at Barcelona.

This is a big step for us since we barely make enough to pay salaries, but I love the project and I don’t mind while the professional versions pays off salaries.

So please buy our lite edition while you can, or help us with a donation. We really need it to keep going.


Regards Chema, OC Founder.


4 Comments » for Last days for Lite Edition
  1. Hello, may I ask just what is your ‘lite’ edition? Is this your professional option? I am wondering also if the product will remain open source. If so, I can use it and please do email me regarding an appropriate support option.

  2. Chema says:


    We deleted the lite edition, was without support or installation, but was a big mistake, now we have the Professional and the cloud only.

    The product so far will be always open source the core, however we are not going to offer free support like before or give for free that many free themes.


  3. Sojib says:

    softaculas open classified 1.8.3 version has a sitemap problem… sitemap unchanged when ad posted…
    how long i need to wait for new update?

  4. Chema says:


    This is not a forum, please if you need help contact us, we can provide you services.

    The sitemap works fine at softaculous they delete everything every hour and theres no permissions to renew the sitemap that’s why.


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